
At Snitz Creek Cabinet Shop, we are committed to being good stewards of the earth and the natural resources we were given. Since 1996 we have been using a biomass heating system that supports enviromental responsibility and econony. Biomass gasification boilers convert wood, sawdust and other organic waste products into usable heat. The environmental benefits of our wood gasification boiler are three-fold:

  1. Reduce landfill waste: We recycle all our wood, laminate, cardboard and office by-products by converting them to heat energy.
  2. Reduce emissions: Our boiler converts wood to gas, then burns the gasses. This gasification burning method reduces emissions and supports clean air.
  3. Maintain the carbon footprint: The EPA defines biomass consumption as “carbon neutral”. What this means is the carbon dioxide released by burning or decay equals the carbon dioxide stored by the growing tree.

Since we started heating with a gasification boiler, our oil consumption stopped. Every year we burn five to six thousand gallons less oil by using our waste! We are saving money with a speedy return on investment.

Today, we offer homeowners the opportunity to save money and burn wood in a responsible way by heating with a gasification boiler. To learn more about our complete line of residential and commercial boilers, CLICK HERE to go to

We work with suppliers who ensure sustainable forestry. Ask us about going green with LEED certified products ( for manufacturing and finishing.

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